What is the main characteristic of the Swiss Gamers Award compared to other awards for board games?
The Swiss Gamers Award is not designated by a limited jury but by hundreds of players. It is awarded through a voting process involving members of clubs, game and toy libraries, and gaming associations established in Switzerland and choosing to participate in the election. It is based on the concept of large popular votes familiar to Swiss residents.
How can we participate in the voting?
If you are a game and toy library, a gaming or association (game bar, player circle associated with a game store, etc.) and wish to participate in the Swiss Gamers Award election, you can write to info@swissgamersaward.ch. Your request and your vote will be processed via email. Your organisation does not need to have statutes to participate in the election.

Each participating organisation is entitled to one vote. The vote of each association should best reflect the opinion of as many of its members as possible. Each association is free to determine how it gathers the opinions of its members. Some associations organise special « Swiss Gamers Award » evenings, others collect votes from their members in a ballot box or via email over a certain period, others delegate this choice to their committee, etc.

It is impossible to test all the new games. On what criteria should we base our vote?
The participating organisations in the Swiss Gamers Award election vote for the recently released games that their members play most frequently and with the most pleasure. The goal of the Swiss Gamers Award is not to designate « THE » best game among the thousands of titles released each year but rather to answer the question: which new games have Swiss players played a lot recently with pleasure? If a game is frequently played in your association, it is undoubtedly because it is good! Another way to rank your choices is to answer the question: among the recently released games that we play, which ones would we like to introduce to other players?
Why don’t you establish a preselection of games for participating associations to vote from?
Exactly for the reason mentioned above! The Swiss Gamers Award aims to reflect the games played in gaming associations in Switzerland. We do not want to push these associations to buy and test all the games from a pre-established list. On the contrary, we want each association to be able to introduce their favorites to others, without feeling that their list must be exhaustive. The linguistic diversity in Switzerland makes the gaming market different from one region to another. Establishing a list would inevitably be biased based on the organisers’ own knowledge and culture. Giving a free choice to associations in establishing their list of favorite games allows us to better grasp the trends in the different linguistic regions of Switzerland.
What are the differences between the Swiss Gamers Award, the Swiss Gamers Award Family, and the Swiss Gamers Award Kids?
The Swiss Gamers Award has two categories: the Swiss Gamers Award rewards the best game according to Swiss players, with no restriction (age, complexity, etc.). The Swiss Gamers Award Family rewards games that can easily be played with children. The Swiss Gamers Award Family replaces the Swiss Gamers Award Kids. These two awards are identical. The name has changed to be more precise. Indeed, the game winning this award is a board game intended to be played with the family.